Sunday, June 2, 2013


I believe that perhaps being unwilling to settle among the mortals can be seen as quite a narcissistic handle on things. Perhaps you are thinking that I deem myself more worthy, that I look down on humanity and wish it nothing but harm. That is not quite the case dear readers. I do not see myself as greater than you nor do I particularly like the human kind.

I'm rather indifferent to your existence and as long as my master doesn't assign me to target you I wish innocent bystanders no harm. Unless they get in my way, in which case I adore slaughtering them.

It may not make sense, but morality is a bit of a loose concept with dealing with my kind or the master's kind in general.

There is little to no point in directing hatred towards me when there is little chance that I ever did you any wrong.

Speaking of wrong, Joy managed to escape me. Master is not going to like that.
I'm gonna go off the computerized diary for the time being.
Prepare for my punishment.


  1. It's in the nature of people to do things on the behalf of others. Including getting angry.

    1. Perhaps, but I see there to be no point in doing so.

  2. Ah yes, here we are.

    Notes: Immortal, as stated before. Master has certain afflictions."

    File is surprisingly small.

    More reason to follow you.


  3. Oh, if I didn't have to live with people, I wouldn't. Some of them tend to be quite infuriating.
    This may seem rude, but I must ask. How old are you?


    1. I was born in the 1800s. More I don't care to say.
