Wednesday, September 25, 2013


A few days ago I was invited to join a proxy group named "The Rouge Gods". Yes that is a highly narcissistic and cliché title. Not to mention a  terribly cringe worthy homage to Tribe Twelve. But I figured since I've got a bit of enough of the big guy messing with me, I figured joining couldn't hurt. I brought my lovely pet...I mean Joy with me to their headquarters and while Joy wasn't human...thanks to my trip to the Bleeding Tree, she now is.

We arrived there yesterday and I hate to say it but their headquarters is a dump. Actually, I love to say it. Its an abandoned shack.

Anyway, the other members are a girl named Skadi who is the leader and a girl named Lana, as well as some other members who are also female. Is this like an all girl band? Are we K-ON?

But anyway, Joy had no objections.

I think her mind is a bit warped now.

My bad.


Saturday, September 14, 2013


Right, seems to me that even with my powers the lack of access to the path of black leaves its going to take a different approach. As punishment for what I did to Joy I'm not allowed in the path of black leaves through traditional methods and have to find another way to get in. I still think it was worth it.

Anyway from what I can gather, the easiest way is to find a door and hoping it leads to the path. A door being a thing the empty city makes out of boredom or something which makes you jump verses. Anyway, I guess it's time to find one of those.

Wish me luck!


Thursday, September 12, 2013


Well, seems like Joy is right now in the corner, trying to heal her wounds. Anyway, it has been a while since this blog was updated, at least from my dear self. Father gave me my powers but was not happy what I had done with Joy, but didn't comment any further. So I assume he really doesn't care one bit. My second mission is to bring Joy to the Bleeding Tree for further rehabilitation and proxifying, as that is where people become proxies. Father is tired of doing it himself, so we take it to the tree.

I'm a bit sad really, since after Joy becomes a proxy I'm not allowed to have fun with her.
Until then...

Let me enjoy her a while longer.
My knife aches for her flesh.
